We had a chance to chat with Katy Acheson, Executive Director for the Mashpee Chamber of Commerce recently to learn how she, her members and her town are making a difference through sustainability initiatives.

Katy has been with the chamber since 2014 when she was hired as Executive Assistant. When longtime chamber director, Mary Lou Palumbo retired, Katy stepped in as acting Executive Director until earlier this spring when they made her position permanent. Katy personally is leading by example. She drives an electric car, has solar panels on her home, she composts, recycles and does what ever she can to reduce and reuse to limit her footprint.

The Town of Mashpee, she explained, has been focusing efforts on wastewater management as they recognize that clean water is paramount to the success of local businesses such as RideAway Adventures and a way of life that we have come to enjoy on Cape Cod. Green energy such as solar has also become a priority for the town.

Internally, the Chamber has taken steps too. For example, it printed fewer guidebooks to prevent wasted copies with a limited shelf life and credits the printing company for its flexibility. More visitors are also taking advantage of the digital version. The chamber office is now located within Cape Space. By office sharing, it has reduced its utility usage.

The Chamber has been a robust supporter of CARE and the Take Care Cape Cod campaign. Take Care messages may be found in the chamber guidebook, on their website and in their social media.

We are excited to be working with the chamber to reduce waste at this year’s annual event, La Tavola. The event is a joyous evening of Italian food, drink, and music held under the stars at Mashpee Commons. This year food will be served family style, guests will be provided with cloth napkins instead of disposable paper and asked to reuse their plates. CARE will be providing recycling bins for the bar area thanks to help from Nauset Disposal, in order to recycle as much as possible. Also, attendees this year are encouraged to bring their own reusable cups, silverware and to-go containers for anything they aren’t able to finish that night. Next year we will be working closely together in order to reduce even further.



tourism attraction through hands on volunteer service that helps to repair or improve its infrastructure while offering the participants an opportunity to learn more about CARE, its impact and how one might support its efforts.

Previous events have been held at Cape Wildlife Center, Waquoit Bay Reserve, Marconi Maritime Center, Cape Cod Museum of Natural History, Nobska Light and Long Pasture Wildlife Sanctuary. Volunteers assisted with a variety of activities including painting, staining, gardening and trail maintenance throughout the morning. The events conclude with a presentation from the current year grant recipients, a tour of the facility, and lunch.

Additional details including how to register will be provided soon. To be considered as host of a future CARE Day please complete this form.


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