About Take Care
The Take Care Cape Cod campaign was adopted in 2019 after Jill Talladay, Executive Director for CARE for the Cape and Islands, learned of a similar campaign in Lake Tahoe that yielded positive results for that area. Jill brought Take Care to Cape Cod, and now Cape Cod is the second site in the country to adopt this campaign to help educate visitors and year round residents about how we can all join together to preserve our precious Cape Cod. Take Care Cape Cod is shared by a collective group of organizations that love Cape Cod and want to see more people connect with and take care of this beautiful natural environment.
It is our hope to encourage stewardship through cleverly designed messages that poke fun at the mistakes we all make when we aren’t paying attention. All of these messages are available free of charge by requesting the Take Care Toolkit.
Become a Take Care Ambassador!
CARE is excited to expand upon last year’s pilot program conducted with the Chatham Angler. In collaboration with the Cape Cod Baseball League and the generous support from Massachusetts Beverage Association, CARE wants to tackle litter and enhance recycling efforts during CCBL games in Bourne, Chatham, Cotuit and Falmouth field this year. Roles and responsibilities for Field Supervisor and Take Care Ambassadors may be found here. Dates and signup information may be found here. Please join us for these fun and rewarding events!